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Do you produce active chlorine?

If you produce active chlorine by electrolysis by salt, water, and electricity, then we are ready to assist you in the approval process!

If the active chlorine is produced in-situ the active substance dossier is then:
Active chlorine generated from sodium chloride by electrolysis.
PT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 11

If the active chlorine is filled into bottles, the active substance dossier is then:
Active chlorine released from hypochlorous acid
PT 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Fill out the form below, and you are ready for the next step…




Customer requirements

What are your requirements/duties under the regulations as an end customer, liquid manufacturer/distributor, or OEM customer?

ECA customers

ECA Consortium A/S will be pleased to assist you in the best way. You do not need to be an ECA member/shareholder.

End customers

If you are using the liquid directly from the ECA generator into your application, and the manufacturer is Article 95 listed, you are Article 95 compliant.

If you are using the liquid directly from the ECA generator into your application, and the precursor manufacturer (sodium chloride) used in the manufacturing of the disinfection liquid is Article 95 listed, you are Article 95 compliant.

Liquid manufacturer /distributor (bottles)

Companies who bring the disinfection liquid on the market shall be compliant.

Compliance can be achieved via a Letter of Access or the manufacturer submitting a new application.

For more information

Michael Wick

Call us: +45 5164 3636