We are dedicated to helping you with
your EU biocide legislation
The ECA Consortium is an international limited company dedicated to promoting the use of the ECA technology (electro-chemical activation).

We support companies in preparing and submitting the three active substance dossiers and core dossier required to achieve a Union product authorization in accordance with the Biocidal Product Regulation (BPR EN 528/12).
To be compliant, the active substance (reducing bacteria) and the residual product must be approved in an Authorization.

We help you become compliant with the BPR EU 528 legislation, supporting your Article 95 listing (active substance approval) and a Union Product Authorization in your own name
Why use us
We are experts in helping companies achieve BPR EU 528 compliance.
Let us advise you on how to become compliant in the most cost-efficient way
Benefits of ECA
We have established a strong team of technical experts. We collaborate closely with excellent consulting companies and legal services and always establish a good relation to authorities.

Who we are
ECA Consortium A/S is an international limited company dedicated to promoting the use of ECA technology (Electro Chemical Activation) and, in cooperation with relevant stakeholders, achieving compliance with EU biocide legislation (BPR, Regulation (EU) No 528/2012). Stakeholders cooperate on issues that concern ECA applications regulated by the European Biocidal Regulation.
Call us: +45 5164 3636
Meet our members, or become a shareholder
We are 12 shareholders who all are active in the ECA industry.
Becoming a shareholder, you will be part of a leading organization in the ECA business, whose members share common interests and try to impact future legislation by using the knowhow gained from their daily work in the industry. Interested in joining us? Then please fill out the application form.

How to get started
First of all, you need to fill in a form to get your product authorization.
After that you will receive a Letter of Access and a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) for signing.
Upon receipt of your payment, we will start preparing your application to ECHA.

Approval lead time
The approval time for an Article 95 listing is normally four weeks from receipt of payment. For product authorizations, we first need to have our core dossier approved.

friendly solution
The active substance is generated from sodium chloride and water in a controlled electrolyzed process. With the active substance being so concentrated, it is sufficient to add it in small concentrations.
Bacteria will be killed by use of ECA technology
Average CIP reduction
Reduction in water costs